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16-Title Hospice Care Sample Set

16-Title Hospice Care Sample Set

This sample set of CareNotes includes one of each CareNote included in the Hospice Care assortment. The sample set is an excellent way to review a variety of titles to decide which ones will work best within your organization or keep the sample set on hand to share with loved ones in need.

Sample set includes 16 total CareNotes – 1 each of assorted titles dealing with Hospice Care topics. Display rack not included.

Titles include:
21471 Facing Chronic Illness With Faith and Hope
20603 Finding God in Pain or Illness
20612 Hanging on to Hope Through a Serious Illness
21390 Feeling Overwhelmed by a Loved One’s Illness
20639 Facing Cancer as a Family
20655 Using Hospice Care When a Loved One is Terminally Ill
21262 Living with Cancer–a Day at at Time
21288 Turning to a Chaplain for Care and Support
21559 When a Loved One’s Care Decisions Are in Your Hands
21406 End-Of-Life Concerns: A Guide for Families
21934 Prayers of Comfort for Times of Illness
21366 When the Healing Isn’t Happening
23188 Growing as a Hospice Volunteer
23097 Using Palliative Care Well
23179 Embracing Hospice: Living as Death Approaches
23177 Responding Positively to a Difficult Diagnosis

*titles are subject to change without notice


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